Thursday, June 28, 2012

Thorium is greener than it looks!

Thorium is the greener and safer alternative to producing nuclear power and has many advantages over uranium and plutonium. 

Not only do Thorium nuclear reactors produce safe clean energy, but as a fuel source thorium is many times more abundant than uranium (it’s classified as “uncommon” mineral just like lead). 

Almost 100% of natural thorium can be used in a reactor compared to only half of 1% of natural uranium. Also thorium can be denatured using ionium so that it can’t be reprocessed into weapons-grade material. 

Why is it not being used? Well, sadly it’s because countries couldn’t make weapons-grade by-products from their operation. 

In fact thorium reactors can do just the opposite since they can be used to burn and destroy radioactive waste and even nuclear weapons! 

Another reason Thorium reactors aren’t in common use today is that it’s more of a liquid fuel and solid fuels are typically preferred due to their ease of transport and have more military applications. 

Reactor manufacturers historically make their money by fabricating fuel and since Thorium doesn’t require any fabrication adoption of that type of fuel severely limits their profits. 

Thorium power plants have many advantages over the current technology in use today. Not only can they produce power inexpensively and can utilize the existing electric grid infrastructure there is absolutely no chance of a nuclear meltdown! 

The cost savings of building these powerplants without the need for extensive safety back-ups required to prevent a Three mile island or Chernobyl style disaster is significant. 

In addition most of the radioactive wastes produced by a thorium nuclear power plant aren’t nearly as long-lived as their uranium-fueled counterparts think a few hundred compared to 1000s of years!

1 comment:

  1. Thorium from Lynas is Tenorm and a radioactive waste which has serious health risks.

    We urge the PSC and the government to seriously weigh the published and reviewed scientific findings and views of the international experts quoted above before decisions on Lynas are made.

    We strongly urge that Lynas be NOT allowed to operate in Malaysia.

    From Consumers' Association of Penang and Sahabat Alam Malaysia


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