Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Lynas Propagating Prosperity, Not Propaganda

Lynas Corporation must be wondering what it did to merit its opposition. This Australian producer of rare earths minerals has been building its advanced material processing facility in Kuantan, Malaysia in an environment of political narcissism where the propagation of disinformation disguised as ‘due process’ gains undeserved momentum. 

The politicization of its efforts is well-documented in the media, nonetheless in the midst of this shemozzle, Lynas continues, without fanfare, to bring increasing and significant value to the local community, a community that ought to and can grow with Lynas, not in spite of it.

Quite apart from the 250 plus direct employees and the estimated 1000 indirect jobs created by Lynas, in 2010, it introduced the Lynas Balok Ivory Tower program. 

The aim of the program is to assist local Kuantan students from poor and underprivileged backgrounds to gain the necessary academic skills to achieve placements at local universities. 

The program operates under the patronage of his Royal Highness the Sultan of Pahang, Sultan Haji Ahmad Shad and is managed by the National University of Malaysia.

This program required significant commitment from Lynas staff. It provides students with extra offline tuition and mentoring opportunities that will prepare them for tertiary education and later, for their careers. 

Graduates of the Balok Ivory Tower program are also able to extend the benefits and opportunities resulting from their participation to achieve superior life outcomes for themselves, their families and therefore also the local community. 

Lynas managers give freely of their own time to “foster” the students and their families, to help improve their lives. 

This involves countless hours of mentoring on weekends and week nights with students and their families, to complement and enhance the education received by students. 

Lynas managers encourage parental participation and inclusion as they believe it is integral to successful outcomes for student participants.

The Lynas staffs’ contribution was not initiated as a call of duty or “job requirement” but more a willingness to do something for the people on behalf of a community-minded company. 

They saw it as the type of valued contribution a new advanced technology partner could bring to a community. 

Far from finding it a burden, the Lynas managers were rewarded with a wonderful experience of support and encouragement borne from helping disadvantaged children to gain a feeling of greater self-worth and accomplishment.

Lynas was pleased to announce in December 2011 that the first phase of the Balok Ivory Tower Academic Program was completed with 67 students successfully achieving the minimum requirement to gain placement at a local University or College.

The anti-Lynas people would have you believe that Lynas is not engaging with the local community but this program, as well as the locally initiated communication forums that have involved over 12,000 local residents, tell a different story.

Lynas has continued to jump through hoops, none of which they created or deserved. They were criticized for poor communication – perhaps with some merit in the early stages of their presence in Kuantan – but now they have addressed and engaged the community with project information and provide a level of real community support, which cannot be denied.

Lynas is not even operating and is already contributing remarkably in practical ways to the local community, yet it is opposed by local politicians, small on reasonable argument but big on fear propaganda. 

Lynas has gone to great lengths, expending money, time and technical ability to ensure the safe operation of its plant. It is exactly the type of business needed in a modern Malaysia.

These questions should be asked of the anti-Lynas people: “What is your problem? Why are you continuing to oppose a company which clearly offers such benefits to the community and country?”

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

All Froth And No Substance

Save Malaysia, Stop Lying
The very name – SAVE MALAYSIA STOP LYNAS (SMSL) – speaks volumes: it openly declares its deceitfulness as a ‘purpose-specific’ opposition organisation bent only on thwarting the genuine efforts of the good people of Gebeng and the Lynas project in Malaysia; it implies the Lynas project is a threat to the very existence of Malaysia, a preposterous claim devoid of any rationale and one incapable of reconciliation in the mind of any reasonable person.

SMSL’s objective runs contrary to that of the Malaysian Government whose stated aim is to place the country in an enviable position as the high-tech hub of Asia; to encourage companies at the cutting edge of technology to operate in Malaysia, developing the economy, providing satisfying careers, increasing the country’s Gross Domestic Product and improving living standards and quality of life for all citizens.
The government enticed Lynas to Malaysia by offering taxation incentives, with assurances that the country was ready to embrace such a project, with all the necessary infrastructure and a trained workforce in place.
It led Lynas to build its plant at Gebeng where petro-chemical, chemical and other similar types of industries are located.  The plant is no closer to residential areas than any of these existing industries which have also proved to be no danger to the community.
Without exception, Lynas complied with all conditions of approval imposed by the AELB, which is the authority with approval responsibility.  The AELB, in its diligence and care for the people of Malaysia, even applied additional rigorous compliance and safety checks on the project by calling for the International Atomic Energy Authority, as the independent world nuclear safety authority, to investigate and provide any and all recommendations necessary to ensure the safety of the operation.  Its basic finding was that the project safety standard is world’s Best Practice.
Lynas complied with the IAEA’s additional requirements, then went even further than that by installing 2 instruments to measure radioactivity levels.  These instruments automatically supply live readings to the internet – their installation is further explicit proof of the safety of the project.
After these exhaustive, time consuming investigations, the AELB eventually approved the necessary Temporary Operating Licence, allowing production to commence.
Through all these steps, SMSL with Fuziah Salleh prominently in the lead, has had ample opportunity to submit its objections and to voice its concerns.  It has not missed any chance to do so, focusing endlessly on toxic radioactivity, ‘Fukushima-type’ disasters, dangerously radioactive waste material escaping into the environment and so on.
These objections have all been given serious and due consideration by highly qualified relevant experts and found to be unsound scientifically and therefore in due course the SMSL claims were rightfully disregarded.
Let me say that again: SMSL presented all the evidence it has to the AELB and that information has been so un-compelling, the AELB has given its decision against SMSL and in favour of Lynas.
SMSL has been stubbornly unwilling and unable to accept that decision from the AELB, the Government body charged with the responsibility, expertise and authority to make that comprehensive and informed decision on behalf of the citizens of Malaysia.  Instead, it has continued to rant and rave emotionally about toxic radioactivity and impending apocalyptic doom for Malaysia.  It has taken court action to impede further progress.
Clearly, the only decision that will satisfy them is one that will see no operation ever in the Lynas plant.
They claim to want to save Malaysia from being destroyed by Lynas.  In all their evidence to the inquiries, they have been unable to produce any scientific evidence to justify this emotional, hysterical claim.  Nor has any reputable scientist independently been able to offer any facts to support their claims.  It is clear to impartial observers (many of them around the world are watching in amazement) that they have no case, yet they have continued making the same claims which have already been rejected a number of times.
Their leadership must have some intelligence.  Fuziah Salleh is a member of Parliament and I presume her brain is capable of discerning fact from fiction.  Jade Lee, another “leader” in the anti-Lynas group is university educated and should have some intellectual capacity although she often gives no indication of it, arguing with a fair degree of vitriol.
So there would be a number of reasonably intelligent people in the SMSL organisation who understand that their claims about the danger of the Lynas plant to the community and nation are unfounded.
Knowing they are in the wrong, they nevertheless have willfully and hypocritically continued their opposition, claiming the high moral ground.  So why have they done that?  Why have they not accepted the highly regarded AELB’s decision?
The answer is they are playing politics.  This has nothing to do with safe-guarding the health of the population and the environment (the approval process has already achieved that).  It has everything to do with the upcoming election.
There is no risk whatever to the community from Lynas’s plant which has been acknowledged as the safest, most advanced plant of its type in the world.  It will operate safely and be the leading edge of Malaysia’s push towards high technology leadership in Asia.
Shame on you, SMSL.  Shame on you, Fuziah Salleh.  Instead of your own interests, it’s time for you to put those of Malaysia first. - Read More

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Lynas Announce Innovative Shared Value Initiative

August 26, 2012 (Source: Lynas) -- Lynas Corporation today announced plans to invest in a range of programmes aimed at building an innovative approach to creating shared value in host communities.

“Our vision is firmly anchored in the creation of shared value through co-operative economic development,” said Lynas Executive Chairman Nicholas Curtis.

“This initiative has been established to identify further projects that increase productivity and capability within the community.  It has the potential to unleash a new wave of socio-economic growth.”

The economic benefits derived from the Lynas Advanced Materials Plant (LAMP) have already had a significant impact in economic development in the region through the creation of employment opportunities, technology transfer and development of new capacity in service and supply activities by local industries valued at over MYR450 million per annum.

The attraction of new investment in high technology sector and spin-off for a cluster of local industries will add to this under the Shared Value Initiative.

“Our understanding of the potential of shared value is just beginning.  It goes beyond the direct economic impact of our current investments.  

By reconceiving our plant outputs into valuable, new co-products and markets; by redefining productivity in the value chain; and by facilitating local cluster development and the involvement of local entrepreneurs to venture into high tech industry using rare earth products, we can help find profitable solutions that support host community aspirations.”

“We’re looking at our decisions and opportunities through the lens of shared value.  We believe this will lead to new approaches that generate greater innovation and growth for our company – and also greater benefit for the communities in which we operate.”

Today’s announcement follows an earlier commitment to fund additional research and development by investing from revenues generated by the LAMP. 

These research and development activities will be aimed at supporting Malaysia’s economic goals and will see the sponsorship of research activity within Malaysia.

Mr Curtis said, “The promotion of research and development activities in local higher education institutions underscores the importance we place in this area.

“Alliances between business and the education sector can lead to sustainable programs that deliver enormous benefits to the community.

“Lynas views education as crucial to opening up choices in life – it enables young entrepreneurs to seize opportunities, helping them to fulfill their potential.

“As Lynas’ business expands, it is entirely appropriate that our social investment portfolio increases in conjunction.  Lynas firmly believes that our long term success depends on being able to strike equal importance for co-operative economic development, care for the environment and communities, and for social development.”

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Pahang Continues To Attract Investor

BENTONG: Pahang continues to attract foreign investors despite the hype by the opposition political parties about the Lynas rare earth processing plant in Gebeng, said Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Adnan Yaakob.

The latest development was the potential investment of about RM1 billion by investors from China to put up a factory and the expansion of Kuantan port in the commercial interest, he said.  

Pahang continued to receive investment of RM2 billion annually, which has opened up many employment opportunities for the people of the state, he told reporters after an Aidilfitri reception he organised at the Bentong Municipal Council hall, here, yesterday.   

"If the setting up of the Lynas factory is hazardous, why are many foreign investors flocking to invest in Kuantan? Even a private Chinese school is to be built in Kuantan soon. 

"This only goes to show that the construction of the Lynas factory is not hazardous and has been politicised by the opposition for the general election," he said. 

Adnan said he had not received any report of people having sold their land or house in Gebeng for fear of the Lynas factory operation. 

Instead, people were coming to see him to seek recommendation for job and contract opportunities at the Lynas and other factories, he said. 

Lynas chose to operate in Malaysia because of its cheaper production costs compared to Australia while China had tightened export of the product. Lynas too had obtained licences to build the factory in the two countries. -- BERNAMA

China Rises Rare Earth Export Quota

August 22, 2012 (Source: The Australian) -- China has increased its 2012 export quota for rare earths for the first time since 2005, issuing an additional batch today to bring the year's total to 30,996 tonnes.

The country's rare-earth export policies are closely watched as it controls 95 per cent of the world's production of the metals, which are crucial in a wide range of hi-tech applications including defence systems, wind turbines and smartphones.

However, the quota increase is largely symbolic as actual exports have fallen sharply - exporters have used up only around half of last year's quota. Customs data yesterday showed exports in the first seven months of this year are down 36.7 per cent.

The Ministry of Commerce said in a statement that it would set the second batch at 9770t, resulting in a full-year quota that's 2.7 per cent higher than last year's 30,184t. The ministry typically issues the quota twice a year.

The second batch includes 8537t of light rare earths and 1233t of medium-to-heavy metals.

North Square Blue Oak analyst Frank Tang said: "International pressure on China (to loosen export controls) has been quite high and the case has reached the World Trade Organisation.

"The government already said last year that it would keep its quota largely unchanged in 2012, and it's now signalling to the wider world not to worry."

Beijing might be re-evaluating the quota's usefulness, and has roped in industry experts for discussions on removing the cap, Mr Tang said.

The WTO said in July that it set a panel to probe China's rare-earth export policies following requests by the US, the European Union and Japan.

Beijing has defended its policy as a means to control a polluting industry, although its export restrictions have boosted prices in recent years.

Still, prices have fallen since last year due to weaker global demand. Prices of bellwether products such as neodymium oxide have more than halved since last year to around $US105t on Monday, according to Australia's Lynas Corp.

Since China began to drastically cut quotas from 2009 to restrict exports, global suppliers have made headway in meeting the shortfall and helped reduce dependence on Chinese supply.

US-based Molycorp has begun production at its California mine, and Lynas is due to start production at its Mount Weld facility this year. The two projects together could potentially account for about a third of global demand.

DAUN REBORN: SMSL Seeks To Transfer Court Case

KUALA LUMPUR: Anti-Lynas group ‘Save Malaysia, Stop Lynas’ (SMSL) is applying to transfer the defamation suit filed by Lynas Corporation Limited and Lynas Malaysia Sdn Bhd, to the Kuantan High Court.

SMSL’s counsel Datuk Bastian Pius Vendargon told reporters here yesterday that they had filed the needed application to transfer the case early this month.

“The court has set Sept 26 to hear the application,” he said after meeting justice Datuk John Louis O’Hara in chambers when the case came up for case management today. — Bernama

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Apologize Over Lynas

KUANTAN - The Pahang National Agenda Federation of non-governmental organisations (Daun) wants Kuantan member of parliament Fuziah Salleh and the anti-Lynas group to apologise for making allegations against the company.

Daun coordinator Wan Emril Nizam said the open apology should be addressed to all Malaysians, especially residents of Kuantan, for giving the wrong facts about the plant.

"Fuziah and the anti-Lynas group had created fear among Malaysians and Kuantan residents on the construction of the plant."

Yesterday, Free Malaysia Today, on its website, said MToday News Sdn Bhd apologised for articles saying that Lynas plant might be unsafe to the public.

Lynas Corporation Limited received bad publicity from various parties, especially opposition parties which politicised the construction of the plant.

"We demand an apology like Free Malaysia Today, which admitted its mistakes by giving the wrong information with no scientific basis.

"Daun received feedback from the people that they are tired of lies and gimmick by the anti-Lynas group, dominated by those supporting the DAP," said the senior law lecturer of Kolej Islam Pahang Sultan Ahmad Shah (Kipsas). Bernama

Read more: Facebook Comments - Learning Curve - New Straits Times

Lynas Withdraw Defamation Suit Against FMT

KUALA LUMPUR: A defamation suit between Lynas and an online news portal, Free Malaysia Today (FMT), is settled.

Lynas Corporation Limited of Sydney, Australia, and Lynas Malaysia Sdn Bhd yesterday withdrew their suit against operator of FMT, Mtoday News Sdn Bhd, after the news portal published an apology last week.

Counsel Rueben Mathiavaranam who acted for FMT told reporters that Lynas withdrew the suit as part of the settlement and FMT had also given an undertaking not to further publish anti-Lynas statement on its website.

"Among other terms are no damages to be payable and the three articles to be removed from the website," he added.

High Court judge Datuk Nor Bee Ariffin recorded the terms of settlement in chambers yesterday and made no order as to costs.

Lynas was represented by counsel Rishwant Singh.

FMT had on July 17 apologised over its reports that the Lynas rare earth plant may be unsafe.

In a one-paragraph statement on its website, FMT had said: "We refer to the articles previously published by us which claim that the Lynas plant may be unsafe. 

We apologise for these publications as such claims do not have a scientific basis. The regulatory review of the Lynas plant has been thorough and diligent."

In the suit filed on April 19, Lynas had claimed that FMT had published an article on March 6 which allegedly defamed them.

Read more: Lynas-FMT defamation suit settled - Latest - New Straits Times

Friday, July 27, 2012

A Letter Of Truth By Nick Tsurikov

Dear Madam,

This letter relates to your interview with TV PAS, Mr Gilbert Almeida, on 29th of July 2011, and provides a follow up to comments that I posted on YouTube within days of its broadcast.

Firstly, I would like to state upfront that I am not an employee of Lynas Corporation; however I have been independently advising Lynas on the management of radiation protection issues for some time.

I provide this kind of technical advisory service to a large number of mining and mineral processing companies, national and international organisations and government departments around the world.

With all due respect, I find many of your technical comments in the abovementioned interview to be fundamentally flawed and inaccurate.

In addition, I consider several statements made by Mr Almeida, with which you appear to agree, as ill-informed and offensive.
I refer particularly to comments such as Australia exporting ‘radioactive death’ and that some people (presumably associated with Lynas) should be tried for ‘crimes against humanity’.

On radiation protection issues, I believe that as a Member of the Malaysian Parliament, you would not intentionally seek to mislead the people of Kuantan.

I therefore assume that you have been poorly and inadequately advised on the issues of rare earth processing, and I provide the following comments to specifically address the seven issues you highlight in the interview.

The very first finding of the IAEA mission to review the Lynas Advanced Materials Plant is that “the review team was not able to identify any non-compliance with international radiation safety standards”.

These same standards are applicable to the treatment of radioactive ores – uranium, tin, titanium, phosphate, rare earths, zirconium, tantalum, niobium, etc.

The list of seventeen international (IAEA) documents that are applicable is provided on pages 8-9 of the IAEA Report.
Therefore, your comment that there are no benchmarks or best practice guidelines is incorrect and invalid.

You state that “I have the evidence that Lynas is going to use China standards”. This allegation is quite extraordinary, as no document from Lynas or the IAEA has ever mentioned the use of standards other than Malaysian, Australian or International standards.

If you do have such evidence, it would be appreciated if you would make it public.

Until then, your statement cannot be taken seriously. It is clearly nothing more than an unproven and unjustified assertion.

The statement that “in Australia even to extract the rare earth elements it is mandatory for the operations to be located 35 km from residential areas” is a fabrication.

There is no law, regulation or even a guideline anywhere in Australia containing this requirement. Even the research nuclear reactor at Lucas Heights on the outskirts of

metropolitan Sydney, is located within two to three kilometres of residential areas.

Your have obviously been misled. Your statement is incorrect.

It seems to me that your technical advisers are confusing numbers and different methods for calculating specific activity of materials.

There are two ways of calculating this value: the out-dated method of using ‘total’ activity, versus the current standard that uses concentration of a ‘parent’ radio-isotope.

This international standard has been in use since 1997-1998.

On this basis, if a material contains 400 parts per million of thorium – its specific activity is calculated as follows:

a) Outdated method – 400 x 4.09 (specific activity of Th-232) x 10 (number of radio nuclides in the thorium decay chain) = 16,360 Bq/kg, or 16.4 Bq/g

b) International standard (IAEA, AELB and Australia) – 400 x 4.09 = 1,630 Bq/kg, or 1.64 Bq/g.
The internationally accepted standard for the material to be considered for regulation is 1 Bq/g.

However, if the specific radioactivity of the material reaches or exceeds the value of 1 Bq/g, it does not necessarily mean that material is regulated and/or should be classified as ‘radioactive’.

There is a provision in the IAEA document RS-G-1.7 that the value may be up to 10 Bq/g and material may still be exempted from regulations when certain provisions are met.

Either someone misinformed you, or you have misunderstood the situation.

The Lynas Water Leach Product (WLP) at 6.1 Bq/g is, of course, classified as a ‘radioactive material’.

To the best of my knowledge, there are no documents where it was claimed that the Lynas residue is “under the Chinese standard” and therefore “can be disposed as any other waste”.

Your comment is incorrect. If, as you claim, Lynas is saying that the waste is not radioactive, then why did Lynas develop the radiation impact assessment for approval by AELB in 2007?

It appears that you have again been misinformed - this time with regards to the processing of the Lynas ore. The ore is crushed in Western Australia, prior to being processed at the concentration plant, also located in Western Australia.

The material will then be transported in the form of a wet paste inside double-layered plastic bags, which will be sealed and placed into sea containers.

Therefore, your comment about the danger of dry dust particles is alarmist and misleading.

It also appears you may have misunderstood the danger of different types of radiation.

Contrary to your statement that “alpha is not as dangerous as gamma”, there is only one scientific opinion about ‘radiation weighting factors’ and that is that alpha radiation is actually twenty times more dangerous than gamma radiation.

I feel compelled to point out that your comments on the risk of uranium escaping into water are so outlandish that I would like, once again, to question the competence of your technical advisers.

It is clearly stated in the RIA that any water discharged will not exceed the standard specified by AELB of 1 Bq/L.

The most environmentally mobile, and thus potentially dangerous radioactive element is not uranium but radium, and by a considerable margin. Without detailed quoting:

*The limits set by AELB are within the range of concentrations allowed in the drinking water by both the Australian Government and the World Health Organisation (0.1 – 1.0 Bq/L);

*The limits are significantly below the natural concentration of radionuclides in drinking water in some areas of the world, as reported by United Nations Scientific Committee onthe Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) in its 2000 Report.

Effectively, you are claiming that if someone brings to Kuantan one tanker per year of the drinking water from certain locations in Finland (up to 150 Bq/L of uranium and 49 Bq/L of radium) or Switzerland (around 1 Bq/L of uranium and up to 1.5 Bq/L of radium) and pours it into the river near Kuantan, the fishing industry of all South-East Asia would be destroyed?

As I presented to the International Symposium on Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material in Spain in 2007, phosphate fertilisers commonly used in agriculture normally containbetween 50 and 500 Bq/kg of uranium, with the highest value being over 2000 Bq/kg. So, if we are to follow your logic, then a ship carrying phosphate fertiliser that loses its cargo near Kuantan would completely decimate the fishing industry due to extremely high radiation levels.

Your comment on the possible destruction of the fishing industry in South-East Asia is wide off the mark and I do not believe that you, as a Member of the Malaysian Parliament, would mislead people this way. I therefore suggest that and your technical advisers re-examine data to the utmost detail prior to repeating this kind of extreme and alarmist comment in public.

I wish to draw to your attention that numerous industries within Malaysia, and around the world, generate radioactive waste. And if your comments are to be taken seriously, by shutting down industries that produce radioactive waste, a vast array of products, goods and services would no longer be available to society.

These include:
* Hybrid cars, energy-saving light bulbs, mobile phones, electricity-generating wind turbines, and almost all electronic and computer equipment

* Petrol and diesel fuel, all other mineral oils and natural gas

* Airplanes, space vehicles, white pigments, toothpaste

* Phosphate fertilisers for agriculture

* Ceramic tiles, porcelain

* Electricity generated by burning coal or geo-thermal sources

* products made from or with an addition of iron, copper, tin, aluminium, zinc, lead, tantalum, etc

* Clean drinking water produced from water treatment.

I am confident that you are “not against progress”; however, in following your own logic, the oil and gas industry in Malaysia should be shut down and people should be banned from using phosphate fertilisers, living in houses with ceramic tiles, driving cars, flying on airplanes, and using any kind of electronic equipment.

This is no exaggeration - simply an extension of your own logic.

As an expert in radiation protection, I would welcome the opportunity to provide you and your technical advisory team with any additional information and clarification you require.

I would also welcome an opportunity to discuss all radiation related issues in an open forum, without any pre-conditions. I am not an employee of Lynas Corporation and do not need to seek any approval to participate in such a discussion.

I am absolutely confident that a frank and open discussion about radiation-related issues surrounding not only the Lynas plant in Kuantan, but also in general terms, will be beneficial for everyone.

If you have any interest, please let me know and I will try to include a stopover in Kuala Lumpur into my schedule in the next few months.

Yours sincerely,
Kind regards
Nick Tsurikov
Calytrix Consulting Pty Ltd
Perth, Western Australia
4th August, 2011

MP Misleading The People - Nick Tsurikov

We admit that we are no expert in radiation. But Mr Nick Tsurikov is. He is a consultant with Calytrix Consulting Pty Ltd, based in Western Australia.

He sent Kuantan MP Fuziah Salleh an open letter, in response to an interview she gave TV Pas with Gilbert Almeida on July 29 with regards to the Lynas rare earth processing plant project in Gebeng, Pahang.

The plant will process ore from its Mount Weld mine to produce rare earth products essential for making hi-tech gadgets.

Tsurikov said Fuziah was misleading her constituents with flawed and inaccurate technical comments on the proposed Lynas rare earth plant.

"I consider several statements made by Almeida that you (Fuziah) appear to agree with, such as 'Australia exporting radioactive earth' and that some people (presumably associated with Lynas) should be tried for crimes against humanity, as ill-informed and offensive."

Tsurikov said: "On radiation protection issues, I believe that as a member of the Malaysian Parliament, you would not intentionally seek to mislead the people of Kuantan.

"I, therefore, assume that you have been poorly and inadequately advised on the issues of rare earth processing."

Thursday, July 19, 2012

DAUN Desak MP Dan Anti Lynas Mohon Maaf

KUANTAN - Gabungan Badan-badan bukan kerajaan Pahang Mendokong Agenda Nasional (DAUN) hari ini mendesak Anggota Parlimen Kuantan dari Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Fuziah Salleh dan kumpulan anti Lynas supaya memohon maaf secara terbuka berhubung pelbagai dakwaan buruk terhadap syarikat berkenaan sebelum ini.

Menurut Penyelaras DAUN Wan Emril Nizam, permohonan maaf itu juga perlu dibuat secara terbuka kepada seluruh rakyat Malaysia khususnya penduduk Kuantan berikutan tindakan mereka memberikan fakta salah dan melemparkan pelbagai dakwaan buruk berhubung pembinaan kilang itu.

"Tindakan Fuziah dan kumpulan anti Lynas selama ini ialah memburuk-burukkan kilang berkenaan serta mewujudkan rasa takut di kalangan rakyat terutamanya penduduk Kuantan berhubung pembinaan kilang itu," katanya kepada Bernama di sini, Rabu.

Semalam, Free Malaysia Today, di laman webnya,, Mtoday News Sdn Bhd memohon maaf terhadap artikel-artikel yang diterbitkannya sebelum ini yang mendakwa kilang Lynas mungkin tidak selamat untuk orang ramai.

Lynas Corporation Limited, telah menerima publisiti buruk selama lebih setahun dari pelbagai pihak terutamanya parti pembangkang yang dilihat mempolitikkan isu pembinaan kilang itu.

MP Resorting To Lies or Distortion

A friend wrote this to me:

Fuziah got caught lying again to the Malaysian public - please read:

I’m posting a repeat of my March 2012 email exchange with Molycorp (which Lynas is very welcome to use in court)…“Dear Molycorp Mountain Pass CaliforniaMay I ask you to verify the accuracy of the following statement, please?

Quote, "Molycorps in its documents has announced that it will have zero liquid discharge and all solid waste will be buried underground in concrete bunkers lined with lead walls." End Quote.

What document contains that information, 
if I may ask?

Specifically and more importantly, what is the reason your refinement of rare earth elements prompted you to bury the waste in lead lined concrete bunkers? Thank you for your efforts to answer these important questions.

MOLYCORP’S RESPONSE: “May I then ask you where you happen to pull such quote?” 

Brian Blackman Sr.
Manager, Investor Relations
5619 DTC Pkwy, Suite 1000
Greenwood Village, CO 80111

My response: 

Dear Molycorp, The statement was made on 3-7-12 by Member of Parliament Fuziah Salleh representing Kuantan, Malaysia. I include her comments and the website of the news organization which carried her comments, Free Malaysia Today. I look forward to your response regarding questions of my earlier email. The quote is from near the end of her comments. Any clarity or comment you may have on Molycorp’s need for lead lined concrete bunkers to store refinery waste at Mountain Pass is greatly appreciated. Thank You!“LAMP must NOT be allowed to operate anywhere in Malaysia.” By Fuziah Salleh

Article Quote…“Malaysia must study how Lynas’ competitor, Molycorps, soon to be in operation in 2013, plans to manage its radioactive waste. Molycorps in its documents has announced that it will have zero liquid discharge and all solid waste will be buried underground in concrete bunkers lined with lead walls. (Molycorps ores from Mount Pass in California have less thorium and uranium contents than Lynas’s Mount Weld ores.)

Lynas has made a mockery of Malaysian laws and has fooled the Najib administration. It has also made the ministers look so incompetent when these ministers were caught just repeating what Lynas tells them without having a clear understanding of Lynas’ misleading plans.” End Quote of Fuziah Salleh.


“Thank you for providing the article. We are adopting a paste tailings process for our tailings not steel drums. You can find more information here (Molycorp website)Not exactly sure where they sourced their information.”


Brian Blackman
Sr. Manager, Investor Relations
5619 DTC Pkwy, Suite 1000
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
End of email exchange

My conclusion is that Fuziah Salleh could have gone to the Molycorp website, viewed their disposal facilities and clearly seen how libelous her comments about Lynas would be.

Did she "lied" or was she making irresponsible statements again about the existence of Molycorp documents stating waste would be stored in lead-lined concrete bunkers.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Hakikat Bila Menegakkan Kebenaran

Sebelum ini, tidak ada sesiapa pun yang berani tampil untuk memberikan fakta berkaitan dengan isu pembinaan Kilang Lynas dari kalangan Pakar.

Kebanyakan pihak hanya menumpukan kepada kenyataan yang pernah dikeluarkan oleh Ahli Parlimen Hulu Langat, Dr. Che Rosli Che Mat yang juga merupakan seorang pakar Nuklear.

Walaubagaimana pun, kenyataan tersebut hanya dilihat dari sudut Politik dan bukannya berlandaskan kepada fakta sebenar.

Maka tidak hairanlah jika sejak kebelakangan ini, Dr. Che Rosli mula dilihat lebih berhati - hati dalam menyatakan kebenaran kerana khuatir kedudukannya dalam Politik akan terjejas.

Oleh yang demikian, pelbagai pihak menggesa agar pakar - pakar Bebas tampil memberikan maklum balas mengenai isu yang berbangkit ini demi mencari Kebenaran.

Namun malangnya, tidak ada seorang pun dikalangan mereka yang Berani tampil kecuali Dr Looi Hoong Wah, seorang pakar Radiologi lulusan FAMM, MB., ChB(Manchester), MRCS(England), MRCP(UK) MRCP(London).

Dalam kenyataan beliau sebelum ini, jelas dinyatakan bahawa beliau kecewa dengan sikap gerakan Anti Lynas yang sengaja memutarbelitkan fakta demi untuk kepentingan individu tertentu.

Atas dasar itulah, beliau terpanggil untuk memberikan penerangan secara PERCUMA kepada mana - mana pihak yang sudi mendengar mengenai pendedahan yang hendak dilakukan.

Beliau juga sedar kesan dan akibatnya apabila beliau membuat keputusan tersebut dimana beliau akan dikutuk dan dihina oleh penyokong gerakan Anti Lynas yang terdiri dari kalangan mereka yang sebangsa dengannya.

Antara kata - kata kesat yang dilemparkan kepada Dr. Looi
Inilah pengorbanan seorang ahli akademik yang tidak mempunyai apa - apa agenda dalam Politik. Jauh sekali beliau mempunyai kepentingan dalam syarikat nadir bumi tersebut. 

Beliau hanya menjalankan tanggungjawab untuk menjelaskan kekusutan yang ditimbulkan oleh gerakan Anti Lynas.

Sesuai jika perumpamaan Melayu diberikan kepada beliau dimana beliau Berani Kerana Benar dan Takut Kerana Salah.

Komentar yang diberikan oleh penyokong Gerakan Anti Lynas dalam laman sosial Facebook Daun memberikan kita gambaran jelas bahawa gerakan tersebut sebenarnya hanya bermain dengan emosi dan bukan dengan fakta.

Lihat sahaja beberapa komen yang diberikan. Jelas, mereka memberi gelaran yang bukan - bukan terhadap Dr. Looi. Tidakkah itu menjadi bukti bahawa mereka ini sebenarnya mengikut rasa hati dan bukannya mahu menerima kebenaran? Tepuk dada, tanya selera.

Lihat Komentar selebihnya disini

DAUN Want An Apologies From Anti Lynas Group

Kuantan: The Pahang National Agenda Federation of non-governmental organisations (Daun) wants Kuantan Member of Parliament, Fuziah Salleh and the anti-Lynas group to apologise for making allegations against the company.

Daun cordinator Wan Emril Nizam said the open apology should be addressed to all Malaysians, especially residents of Kuantan, for giving the wrong facts about the plant.

"Fuziah and the anti-Lynas group had created fear among Malaysians and Kuantan residents on the construction of the plant," he told Bernama here today.

Yesterday, Free Malaysia Today on its website said Mtoday News Sdn Bhd apologised for articles that Lynas plant might be unsafe to the public.

Lynas Corporation Limited received bad publicity from various parties, especially opposition parties which politicised the construction of the plant.     -

"We demand an apology like Free Malaysia Today which admitted its mistakes (articles) by giving the wrong facts with no scientific basis.

"Daun received feedback from the people that they are tired of lies and gimmick by the anti-Lynas group dominated by Chinese supporting the DAP," said the senior law lecturer of Kolej Islam Pahang Sultan Ahmad Shah (Kipsas).

On June 25, the Parliamentary Select Committee (PSC) on Lynas in its report to parliament recommended that a temporary operating licence (TOL) be issued to enable the Lynas plant to operate.

The report said that the rare earth plant can process raw materials in stages, limited, and monitored continuously by enforcement agencies.
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